Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mac and Cheese

So I made Mac and Cheese tonight...the usual cheese sauce recipe:

a little butter
a cup or so of milk,
a little four
alot of cheese:)

This time I added to the cheese sauce almost half a head of pureed cauliflower. I did this because I needed to use it or throw it out. I wasn't sure of the nutritional value of cauliflower (I figured it's a white vege...can't be much to it). So I did a little internet searching and found out this:

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Cauliflower

* The allicin in cauliflower is known to promote a healthy heart and reduce the risk of strokes
* Cauliflower contains selenium and vitamin C, both of which work together to strengthen the immune system.
* Cauliflower has been associated with the maintenance of a healthy cholesterol level.
* Being rich in folate, cauliflower is known to help improve cell growth and replication. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant would benefit from this.
* The high amount of fiber in cauliflower improves colon health and can even help prevent cancer.
* Recently, it was found that cauliflower contains ‘indole-3-carbinol’, a substance that can prevent breast and other female cancers.
* The glucosinolates and thiocyanates, present in cauliflower, increase the ability of liver to neutralize potentially toxic substances.
* Cauliflower acts as a blood and liver detoxifier.
* Sulforaphane, a substance in cauliflower, can remove cancer causing chemicals and also stop the spread of cancer cells, even in the later stages of their growth.
* Researches have suggested that cauliflower contains certain phyto-chemicals that might help reduce the risk of some hereditary cancers.

The people suffering from the following ailments can benefit from cauliflower:

* Arthritis
* Asthma
* Constipation
* High Blood Pressure
* Kidney and Bladder Disorders

So if you want to add a little vege without your kids or husband knowing...why not add's cheap and as it turns out it does have some health benefits:)

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